Tip: Joining Medicare Beneficiaries to APCD Members

Tip: Joining Medicare Beneficiaries to APCD Members



Submitting Entity (SE)


Add Date

Jan 12, 2022

Update Date

Feb 22, 2023


Included in February 2023 Data Tips Email


Joining Medicare beneficiaries to APCD members



Action / Resolution

To find members across the APCD data and Medicare data, you’ll need to join Medicare data to the other data on APCD. Using the MCR_BEN_SUMM (beneficiary member ) table, concatenate the APCD_UNIQUE_ID+SEX_IDENT_CD. Then join that value to the same concatenated fields on the APCD Member table - ME998+ME013. Once you have the join completed, you need to adjust for collisions (refer to this deck:

https://www.arkansasapcd.net/Docs/1392/). This will reduce the number of members with very common names that may cause an ‘over’ join. It is best practice to just drop these. Once you have your selected members, use the associated BENE_ID on the MCR_BEN_SUMM table to find associated claims on the other Medicare tables. Medicare table layouts can be found here, too: Data Element Lists

Category 1

APCD Unique ID/Study ID

Category 2


Tip / Issue


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