Issue: Finding missing Pharmacy NPIs

Issue: Finding missing Pharmacy NPIs



Submitting Entity (SE)

99EBD1, 70998A, 95448A

Add Date

Oct 22, 2024

Update Date





These submitting entities do not collect the NPI for the servicing pharmacy (PC021) on the pharmacy claims records.

The NPI can be pulled from the APCD provider file if required. If the data request includes the provider file, use the logic below. If the provider file is not part of the data request and this information is required for the project, work with the Arkansas APCD technical support team to generate a strip file to apply the information. This overlap will be applied to the entire APCD in a later build.

NOTE, because of data quality differences between the claims and the provider data, not all NPIs can be appended this way. This approach has the highest match rate for Arkansas pharmacies.

select a.PC001 as SE_ID, a.PC004 as CLAIM_NBR, a.PC005 as CLAIM_LINE, a.PC020 as PHARMACY_NAME, a.PC022 as PHARMACY_CITY, a.PC023 as PHARMACY_STATE, Substring(a.PC024,1,5) as PHARMACY_ZIP, b.PV023 as PHARMACY_NPI from [dbo].[Pharmacy] a inner join .[dbo].[Provider] b on a.PC020 = b.PV006 and a.PC022 = b.PV010 and a.PC023 = b.PV011 and Substring(a.PC024,1,5) = b.PV012 where a.PC001 in ('99EBD1','70098A','95448A')



Action / Resolution


Category 1

Data Quality

Category 2

Pharmacy NPI

Tip / Issue
