Tip: Unique Member Identification by SE
Tip: Unique Member Identification by SE
Number | 0011 |
Submitting Entity (SE) | ALL |
Add Date | Mar 1, 2019 |
Update Date | May 12, 2023 |
Update | Included in May 2023 data tips email. |
Description | Because different SEs can use the same value structure for carrier specific unique member IDs, always concatenate the Entity Code (ME001, MC001, PC001, DC001) with the carrier specific unique member ID (ME107, MC137, PC107, DC056) and/or carrier specific unique subscriber ID (ME117, MC141, PC108, DC057) when querying individuals. |
Active/Resolved | Active |
Action / Resolution |
Category 1 | DSG |
Category 2 | Member/Subscriber IDs |
Tip / Issue | Tip |
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