Tip: Identifying Subscribers

Tip: Identifying Subscribers



Submitting Entities


Add Date

Mar 1, 2019

Update Date





Subscriber data and Member data are is carried in separate fields on enrollment and claims records.

In almost all cases the subscriber is also a member on a plan. In these cases, the values in member fields, e.g. carrier specific member ID (ME107), member gender (ME013), Member Birth Year (ME014_YEAR) or Member Birth Date (ME014) would also be found in carrier specific subscriber ID (ME117), Subscriber gender (ME151A) and Subscriber Birth Year (ME150A_YEAR) or Subscriber Birth Date (ME150A).

When no member data for a subscriber is available, the following approach can be used to identify the subscriber among the member records:

Group by carrier specific unique subscriber ID (ME117) and carrier specific unique member ID (ME107). Then when the subscriber and member ages (ME014_CURR_AGE, ME150A_CURR_AGE) match, review the relationship code (ME012) and/or the member suffix/person code (ME010). When these ages matches and relationship codes indicate“self”or “employee”, and/or the person code matches the last two or three digits in the carrier specific unique subscriber ID, you probably have the subscriber.

Action / Resolution


Category 1


Category 2

Member/Subscriber IDs

Tip / Issue
