Issue: Inconsistent Member and Subscriber IDs in 12151, 70580, 95885, 73288



Submitting Entity (SE)

12151, 70580, 95885, 73288

Add Date

May 6, 2019

Update Date

 Dec 15, 2020


Updated data availability to February, 2021.


The internal systems for this submitting entity changed the logic supporting consistent carrier specific unique member id and carrier specific unique subscriber id values.  It is not possible to effectively group members and associated claims by these IDs and expect all claims for targeted individuals to be selected.  Utilize APCD_Unique_ID whenever possible until these issues are resolved.  NOTE: These data are not included in the Arkansas APCD data available for selection at this time.



Action / Resolution

Applicable for data requests fulfilled before January, 2020.  Submitting entity will submit corrected data. Estimated data availability:  February, 2021.

Category 1

Member/Subscriber IDs

Category 2

Data Quality

Tip / Issue
