Member Enrollment Selection Table (MEST)


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Member Enrollment Selection Table (MEST)

Commercial Carriers and Arkansas Medicaid

May 2024

Version 1.0.2024


Page Tree


Access to timely, accurate, and relevant data is essential to improving quality, mitigating costs, and promoting transparency and efficiency in the healthcare delivery system. Pursuant to the Arkansas Healthcare Transparency Initiative (HTI) of 2015,[1] the Arkansas Center for Health Improvement (ACHI), or the “Administrator,” is hosting a comprehensive all-payer claims database (APCD) on behalf of the Arkansas Insurance Department (AID) that houses member enrollment data, medical claims, pharmacy claims, dental claims, and provider data.


The Member Enrollment Selection Table (MEST) allows health data users and researchers to easily segment and identify qualified study populations by member enrollment and coverage activity by month or year. 

These data must be selected in conjunction with claims-based data sourced from the Arkansas APCD, including:

  • Fully insured commercial payers

  • Self-insured entities receiving public funds

  • Arkansas Medicaid

Helpful Resources

The MEST presentation provides a high level overview of the tool, how it’s used, it’s value add to data users and pricing.

The e-Book provides MEST build methodology, field layouts, data definitions and data use support.