HTI Supplemental Data Assets - HTI Mother/Infant Crosswalk

HTI Supplemental Data Assets - HTI Mother/Infant Crosswalk


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HTI Mother/Infant Crosswalk

October 2024

Version 1.0.2024


Page Tree


Access to timely, accurate, and relevant data is essential to improving quality, mitigating costs, and promoting transparency and efficiency in the healthcare delivery system. Pursuant to the Arkansas Healthcare Transparency Initiative (HTI) of 2015,[1] the Arkansas Center for Health Improvement (ACHI), or the “Administrator,” is hosting a comprehensive all-payer claims database (APCD) on behalf of the Arkansas Insurance Department (AID) that houses member enrollment data, medical claims, pharmacy claims, dental claims, and provider data.


The Arkansas HTI Mother/Infant Crosswalk is a supplementary, reusable dataset that enables data users to link mother and infant data within the Arkansas Healthcare Transparency Initiative (HTI) claims based and non-claims based data.

It contains longitudinal mother/infant linkage information for births from January 1, 2016, forward.

Helpful Resources pages

  • Data request process, data types, data selection restrictions, and pricing HTI Request Data

  • Data requesters are encouraged to review support artifacts on this page in preparation for data selection and/or data use.Understanding the Data

  • eBook - This guide provides the user with a thorough understanding of how this supplemental data asset was built and should be used, including a data dictionary for all fields contained within.

  • User deck - This deck provides the user with a an overview of this supplemental data asset including data request process information.

Additional Users Support



APCD Technical Support

Technical support is available to data users and issues are logged and tracked upon notifying the APCD Technical Support team. The APCD Technical Support team will provide regular feedback during the resolution process.

Hours of Operation:

Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Central Time (excluding state and federal holidays).

Please report issues by emailing a detailed message that includes your contact information to initiate the resolution process. The APCD Technical Support team will respond to your reported issue as soon as possible.

APCD Technical Support Contact Information:   

Phone: (501) 526-2244

Email: adrs@achiapcd.atlassian.net

Helpdesk: Data Users Helpdesk

Website: http://www.arkansasapcd.net

[1] Act 1233 of 2015

[2] Act 979 of 2017

[3] “APCD Medical Data Reporting: Proposed Core Set of Data Elements for Data Submission.” APCD Council, UNH, and NAHDO, October 2011. Available at http://www.apcdcouncil.org/sites/apcdcouncil.org/files/media/apcd_council_core_data_elements_5-10-12.pdf.

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