Arkansas Medicaid State Aid Categories
Arkansas Medicaid State Aid Categories
These are the current documents as of 01/10/2023
AR Medicaid Federal Aid Categories | This is a list of the codes for Arkansas Medicaid Federal Aid Category. |
Medical | https://humanservices.arkansas.gov/wp-content/uploads/MMIS_BenefitPlans.pdf |
Dental | https://humanservices.arkansas.gov/wp-content/uploads/Dental_BenePlanCrosswalk.pdf |
Vision | https://humanservices.arkansas.gov/wp-content/uploads/Vision-BenePlanCrosswalk.pdf |
New 4 char Aid Category Lookup table for APCD | New table includes the 4 char iC Aid Category Code and matches it to the Legacy code and description |
Old APCD Lookup | The previous Lookup Table used the Legacy aid category code and matched it to a Benefit Plan name. |