Arkansas APCD Claim Counts by Month

Arkansas APCD Claim Counts by Month

The Arkansas APCD Claim Counts by Month reports provide claim counts by month, year, and submitting entity for the latest three years of data available for data requesters.  These counts are updated with each APCD release.

The latest month's counts are compared to the previous month's counts and the same month in the previous two years.  Medical and dental claims counts are based on Date of Service Thru.  Pharmacy claims counts are based on date prescription was filled.  This information can be used to understand claim submission patterns by month and year.

Questions about these counts should be submitted to adrs@achiapcd.atlassian.net.


To download the excel sheets, first click on the document to preview, then click on the cloud to download.

Arkansas APCD Claim Counts by Month





Medical Claim Counts


Pharmacy Claim Counts


Dental Claim Counts


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