Arkansas APCD 22C Release Notes - October 2022

Arkansas APCD 22C Release Notes - October 2022

The Arkansas Healthcare Transparency Initiative (HTI) Arkansas APCD 22C database is now available.  The Arkansas APCD 22C release includes data through March 2022.  The Data Coverage table provides overall coverage periods.  Some submitters within these categories have exemptions affecting their coverage.  Refer to the Arkansas APCD 22C Universe Counts spreadsheet for submitter specific coverage information. 

Note, hereafter, the release number will be included with database name, e.g. 20B.  The Arkansas APCD is updated quarterly though only the second and fourth updates annually are available for release.

The Arkansas APCD quarterly releases can be identified using the following naming convention:


Coverage Period





January 1, 2013 – September 30, [previous year]





January 1, 2013 – December 31, [previous year]





January 1, 2013 – March 31, [current year]





January 1, 2013 – June 30, [current year]




*Arkansas APCD releases available for data request fulfillment. 


Data Coverage

Source Category


ARHOME (formerly Arkansas Works) Data

Jan 2014 – March 2022

Commercial, Fully Insured Data

Jan 2013 – March 2022

Arkansas Employee Benefits Division Data

Jan 2013 – March 2022

Arkansas Medicaid Data

Jan 2013 – March 2022

Arkansas Qualified Health Plan Data

Jan 2014 – March 2022

Arkansas Medicare Data

Jan 2013 - Dec 2019

Vital Statistics Data - Arkansas Birth Certificate Data

Jan 2013 - Dec 2020

Vital Statistics Data - Arkansas Death Certificate Data

Jan 2013 - Dec 2020

Inpatient Hospital Discharge Data (uninsured or self-pay patients)

Jan 2013 - Dec 2020

Emergency Department Data (uninsured or self-pay patients)

Jan 2013 - Dec 2020

Cancer Registry Data

Jan 2013 - Dec 2019

Medical Marijuana Cardholders Data

Jan 2013 – Sept 2020

Arkansas Workers' Compensation Data

Jan 2013 – March 2022


With a few exceptions, all required submitting entities have submitted data in the ranges indicated in the Data Coverage table above.  Refer to the Submitting Entity Specific Release Notes section for more information.

 Submitting Entity Specific Release Notes

Submitting entities may have been added or omitted from the Arkansas APCD for this release.  Those omitted have data quality issues that are being resolved.  These issues are significant, resulting in their omission from the database release until resolution.  Once resolved, previously excluded submitting entities are included in subsequent builds.  The table below lists the problematic entities and their current status.


Submitting Entity

Release Notes

Release Status


Empower Healthcare Solutions, LLC  (MCD PASSE)

Original status:  Issues have been identified with the APCD Unique ID (ME998) on the member data therefore data for this submitting entity will not be available for selection.  The Arkansas APCD team is working with the submitting entity on data correction and resubmission.


Updated status:  Issue has been resolved and data resubmitted.




Delta Dental

An internal system change at Delta Dental resulted in a data submission gap in which updated records were not received when an enrollment segment closed. 


Replacement data has been received and applied to years 2015 forward, correcting disenrollment dates (ME163A) to close segments appropriately.


NOTE:  Years 2013 and 2014 are still problematic and cannot be corrected.  This workaround is suggested:  Pull the available claims for members and assess the latest paid date to understand when the members were last active.  Determine if the time since the last paid date represents what could be an inactive member. 


Updated status:  Segments are still being received as open that should be closed.  Use with caution

until final resolution is in place.  The referenced data tip provides suggested workaround.


See Data Tip 0080.




Employee Benefits Division

A pharmacy claim versioning workaround is available.  The methodology requires grouping by script number, pharmacy number, fill date, and drug code, not claim line. 


See Data Tip 0121.



Arkansas Medicaid

New flags have been added in this update to identify PASSE claims submitted by Arkansas Medicaid. 


The Provider-led Arkansas Shared Savings Entity (PASSE) – a new model of organized care created by Arkansas Act 775 – addresses the total health care needs of Medicaid beneficiaries who have behavioral health (BH) disorders or intellectual developmental disabilities (IDD). The purpose of the model is to improve the health of those who need intensive levels of specialized care, link providers of physical health care with specialty BH and IDD providers and coordinate care for all community-based services.


PASSE third party administrators (TPA) submit claims for the services provided to qualifying Arkansas Medicaid beneficiaries.  Arkansas Medicaid also submits these claims as part of the Arkansas Medicaid data provided to the Arkansas APCD. The Arkansas Medicaid PASSE claims should NOT be used.  They do not contain usable data for these services.


To identify PASSE claims, Arkansas Medicaid provides a supplemental file containing all PASSE claim numbers.  The HTI team joins these data to the Arkansas Medicaid claims. When a match occurs, the PASSE flag is set on medical (MC841), pharmacy (PC841), or dental (DC841) claims.


Going forward, fulfilled data requests will contain the private carrier version of the PASSE claim, not the Arkansas Medicaid PASSE claim.


Arkansas Medicaid PASS claims are available upon request.


To identify and manage PASSE claims in older Arkansas APCD data, refer to Data Tip 0047.





Arkansas Medicaid

All dental claims from January 1, 2013 through March 2022 were resubmitted to correct an issue with DC030 - Facility Type. This field was previously coded with a single placeholder value. Arkansas Medicaid facility type codes are now present.



Care Improvement

Incorrect disenrollment dates were identified for this submitting entity.  The disenrollment dates have been corrected.


See Data Tip 0098.



First Health/Aetna

Incorrect disenrollment dates were identified for this submitting entity.  The disenrollment dates have been corrected.


See Data Tip 0098.



AETNA Life Insurance Company-Traditional

Values in ME003, MC003, PC003, DC003 for plans/claims associated with AETNA’s Medicare Risk/Part C plans were incorrect.  The incorrect value, ‘HM’, has been transformed to the correct value, ‘HN’ on the appropriate enrollment and claims data.




Issues were discovered with disenrollment dates for Lincoln.  Lincoln data is not included in the 22C database.

Not included

83470, 95442

Arkansas BlueCross BlueShield

This submitting entity is transitioning to a new dental claim processing system.  Issues exist with newer data pulls.  The only dental claim data available is through December 2021.  Resolution is in development.



United River Valley

Incorrect disenrollment dates were identified for this submitting entity.  The disenrollment dates have been corrected.


See Data Tip 0098.



Data Specific Release Notes

Version 8 of the Arkansas APCD data submission guide (DSG) was released on December 1, 2021, adding several new data fields and requiring changes to some existing fields. Submitting entities were scheduled to begin submission of these new data as of June 30, 2022.  The changes affecting data requesters and data users are outlined here.

NOTE:  These fields will be partially populated for this release.  Not all submitters have submitted these new data yet.

New Fields

Data Element Number

Data Element Name



Member Hispanic Indicator

Indicator represents member’s Hispanic origin.



Subscriber Hispanic Indicator

Indicator represents subscriber’s Hispanic origin.



Medicaid AID Category

This field contains the primary Medicaid State Aid Category value for member plans submitted by Arkansas Medicaid and Provider-Led Arkansas Shared Savings entities (PASSE). This data was  previously populated in ME040.  ME040 will contain the Federal Medicaid State AID Category going forward.


Point of Origin Code

This code indicates the source of the referral for an admission or visit. Required except for Bill Type 14X, (the bill type is used for non-patient laboratory specimens and the point of origin would not be known).


Medicaid AID Category

This field contains the primary Medicaid State Aid Category value for medical claims submitted by Arkansas Medicaid and Provider-Led Arkansas Shared Savings entities (PASSE).


Other Insurance Paid Amount

Amount already paid by another carrier. Report the amount that a prior payer has paid for this claim line. Indicates the submitting payer is not the primary payer. Only report “0” if the prior payer paid 0 toward this claim line; or if there is no prior payer.


Payment Arrangement Type

Value for contracted payment methodology at the claim level.


Medicaid AID Category

This field contains the primary Medicaid State Aid Category value for pharmacy claims submitted by Arkansas Medicaid and Provider-Led Arkansas Shared Savings entities (PASSE).



Postage Amount Claimed

Amount of postage claimed on the claim line.


Payment Arrangement Type

Indicates payment methodology at the claim level, e.g. capitation, fee for service, DRG, global payment, etc.


Medicaid AID Category

This field contains the primary Medicaid State Aid Category value for dental claims submitted by Arkansas Medicaid and Provider-Led Arkansas Shared Savings entities (PASSE).


Diagnosis Code

This field contains the ICD-9-CM or ICD-10-CM diagnosis code indicating the reason for the service. Decimal point is not coded.


ICD Indicator

Indicates use of ICD-9 or ICD-10 code sets. Code sets cannot be mixed on a record.



Changes to Existing Fields

Data Element Number

Data Element Name


ME021, ME022

Member Race 1, Member Race 2

These fields were originally optional.  Submitting entities are now required to submit them.

ME025, ME026

Member Ethnicity 1, Member Ethnicity 2

These fields were originally optional.  Submitting entities are now required to submit them.

ME033, ME157A

Member Language, Subscriber Language

These fields were originally optional.  Submitting entities are now required to submit them.

ME154A, ME155A

Subscriber Race 1, Subscriber Race 2

These fields were originally optional.  Submitting entities are now required to submit them.

ME156A, ME166A

Subscriber Ethnicity 1, Subscriber Ethnicity 2

These fields were originally optional.  Submitting entities are now required to submit them.


Member Product Code

This change applies to Arkansas Medicaid.  This field now contains Federal Medicaid AID Category codes.  State AID Category codes are now in ME910.


Referring National Provider ID

These fields were originally optional.  Submitting entities are now required to submit them.


Grandfather Status

New data element values added.


Final Discharge Status

This field is now populated for Institutional claims as well as inpatient claims.


Admitting Diagnosis

This field is now populated for Institutional claims as well as inpatient claims.


ICD Procedure Codes

This field is now populated for Institutional claims as well as inpatient claims.


Covered Days

This field is now populated for Institutional claims as well as inpatient claims.


Present on Admission Codes

This field is now populated for Institutional claims as well as inpatient claims.


 Additional Information

  • The Arkansas APCD team provides reference tables supporting data element such as race, procedure and diagnosis codes. Refreshed tables are available here:  https://www.arkansasapcd.net/Docs/1420/

  • Comorbidity fields have been added to the Arkansas Department of Health Inpatient Discharge Data and Emergency Department Data. See Data Dictionary.

  • The APCD Unique ID (ME998 or Hash ID) is consistent with the previous build.

  • Utilize the searchable Arkansas APCD data dictionaries and tip sheets (be sure to review all of them).

  • Refer to the Arkansas APCD Infographic for a high level description of the APCD and its data, including a summary of the latest data available to data requesters as of March 2022.

























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