AWC: Ark Workers' Comp Claims (AC) Data

AWC: Ark Workers' Comp Claims (AC) Data

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Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission claims data contain information about events, employees and employers incurred as a result of job-related accidents and disease supporting workers compensation regulations including accident and injury information, event location information, compensation information. These data represent claims that were not resolved through the employer provided workers’ compensation insurance but were escalated to the state-level Arkansas Workers' Compensation Commission. Though called claims, these data represent event information, not payment information.

Available data begins in 2013.

Use these data in conjunction with associated AWC Form 2 data (employer’s intent to accept or controvert the claim) and Form 4 data (record of payment). http://www.awcc.state.ar.us/revforms1.html

These data can be linked to the Arkansas APCD health insurance claims data and other non-claims based data using the APCD Unique ID.