ADH: Emergency Department (ED) Data

ADH: Emergency Department (ED) Data

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Uninsured Only

Arkansas Emergency Department data includes discharge data for all cases performed in an Arkansas emergency department. Cases already reported by the hospital as part of the hospital inpatient discharge data submission are not included (e.g. those patients admitted through the emergency department). The data provided as part of the Arkansas APCD contains only emergency department data for Arkansas residents who are not covered by a commercial insurance carrier or government program benefits (e.g. Medicaid, Medicare, etc.) based on the source of payment.

Emergency department data are available for selection when ED events occurred in years 2013 forward and when the source of payment on the record indicates that no payment was received from an organization/agency/program/private payer for the service provided, the patient refused to pay, or the patient was medically indigent. These data can be linked to the Arkansas APCD health insurance claims data and other non-claims based data using the APCD Unique ID.