Data User Group Presentations


Data User Group Date

Slide Presentation

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Presentation Recording




Data User Group Date

Slide Presentation

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Presentation Recording



Jul 24, 2024
  • Featured topic: Maternal and infant health-focused analytics

  • How to use the Member Enrollment Selection Table (MEST)

  • Latest APCD release information and data tips

Apr 24, 2024



•Featured Topic: Using Clinical Classifications Software-Refined (CCS-R) to Support APCD Analyses

•Refreshed Arkansas Medical Marijuana Cardholder Data

•New Data Asset Offering: Member Enrollment Selection Table (MEST)

•Latest APCD Release Information and Data Tips

Jan 24, 2024



•Featured Topic - Linking External Data Files to Arkansas Healthcare Transparency Initiative (HTI) Data

•Data Use Cases From Other APCDs

•Latest APCD Release Information and Data Tips

•New Medicare FFS Data (for State Agencies)

Oct 24, 2023



•Featured Project – Arkansas Dental Care Utilization Analysis, presented by ACHI Senior Data Analyst Sarah Crawford, MPA

•APCD Claims Versioning Recap

•Using Member Enrollment Flags: ME018, ME019, ME020

•Latest APCD Release Information and Data Tips

Jul 26, 2023


•Featured Topic – Predicting Chemical Dependencies: Alcohol, Cannabis, and Opioids

•New Arkansas Healthcare Transparency Initiative Data Tools

•Medicare Data User Documentation

Apr 26, 2023



  • Featured Topic– Assessing Risk, Outcomes, and Disparities in Pediatric Asthma - Akilah Jefferson, MD, MS, UAMS

  • Identifying Providers in APCD Data - Kelly Troillett, MS, ACHI

  • Arkansas HTI Data Users Survey Results

  • Latest APCD Release Information and Data Tips

Jan 25, 2023

Main Presentation Slide Deck

Guest Speaker Slide Deck





  • Featured Topic - AHRQ Innovations in Physician, Physician Practice, and Social Determinants of Health Data

    • Dr. Herbert Wong

    • Dr. Jennifer Smith

  • Arkansas Breast Cancer Screening Analyses - Focus on Continuously Enrolled vs. Continuously Covered Lives

    • Mike Motley, MPH

    • Sarah Crawford, MPA

  • Data User Questions From Other APCDs

  • Latest APCD Release Information and Data Tips

Oct 26, 2022

Main Presentation Slides



•Featured Speaker - Dr. Dong Zhang

–Family Map Inventory: Adverse Childhood Experiences & Healthcare Utilization/Outcomes

•Arkansas Opioid and Naloxone Prescribing Trends 

•Data User Questions From Other APCDs

•Latest APCD Release Information and Data Tips

Jul 27, 2022

Main Presentation Slides






•Featured Speaker – Dr. Maria Steenland, Brown University

–Effect of Medicaid Expansion on Postpartum Coverage and Outpatient Care in Arkansas

•Arkansas APCD – Colorectal Cancer in Arkansas

•Versioning Refresh

•Data User Questions From Other APCDs

•Latest APCD Release Information and Data Tips

Apr 27, 2022

Main Presentation Slides

Guest Presenter Slides




  • Social Network Analysis of Opioid Prescribing - Presented by Dr. Brad Martin

  • Trends in Hereditary Cancer Testing - Presented by Dr. Brad Martin

  • Data Request Process Review

  • Data Questions from Other APCDs

  • Latest APCD Release Information and Data Tips

Jan 26, 2022

Main Presentation Slides


Guest Presenter Slides



  • The Impact of Insurer Size Increase on Negotiated Prices: Evidence From the ACA in Arkansas - Jee-Hun Choi, Ph.D.

  • Arkansas Medicare Data Use Methodologies - Edward Tawiah

  • Latest APCD Release Information and Data Tips

Oct 27, 2021




  • Methodologies for Quantifying Race/Ethnicity Assignment in Arkansas Medicaid Data

  • Methodologies for Using Member IDs versus APCD ‘Hash IDs’

  • Methodologies using Cancer Data for Colorectal Cancer and other Screenings

  • Latest APCD Release Information and Data Tips

Jul 28, 2021



  • Methodologies for Managing High Collision Hash IDs

  • Methodologies for Developing Project Specific Events/Episodes

  • Data Field Coverages

  • New Medicaid Data Changes

  • Latest APCD Release Information and Data Tips

Apr 28, 2021




•Claims per Member Counts and Methodology

•Events per Payer Examples and Methodology

•Latest APCD Release Information and Data Tips

Jan 27, 2021



•Merged Submitting Entities

•Deciphering Service Provider Names

•Arkansas APCD County Population Source Distribution

•COVID-19 Analytics

•Latest APCD release information and data tips

Oct 28, 2020




•Continuous Enrollment Methodologies

•COVID-19 Analytics

•Latest APCD release information and data tips

Jul 22, 2020


  • Service location / member location relationships

  • How claims versioning affects users

  • Grouping diagnosis and procedure codes

  • Latest APCD release information and data tips

Apr 28, 2020



  • APCD Unique ID Collision Reduction Methodology

  • Medicare Advantage Record Identification

  • Patient to Provider Attribution Methodology

  • Qualified Health Plans by Income Trata

  • Latest APCD Release Information and Data Tips

Jan 22, 2020



•Existing Projects and Data Use

•Tips and Tools – Tip Sheet and Data Dictionaries

•Questions from the Floor

•What’s next for the Arkansas APCD

Sep 18, 2019



•Existing Projects and Data Use

•Tips and Tools – Tip Sheet and Data Dictionaries

•Questions from the Floor

•What’s next for the Arkansas APCD