Data Element Frequency Counts

Data Element Frequency Counts

The Arkansas APCD Data Element Frequency Counts provide row counts by data element value for all submitting entities combined. The counts provided reflect the most current version of the Arkansas APCD available to data requesters.  These counts are intended to help the data requester better understand the amount of information available at the data element level. These counts are provided in Microsoft Excel reports by file type that can be downloaded individually.

Note, some data elements such as USPS ZIP code, diagnosis and procedure codes contain too many values to report in these reports.  Data requester questions or requests for custom data element frequency reports, e.g. submitter specific, or detailed values for the data elements with too many values to list, should be submitted to adrs@achiapcd.atlassian.net.


To download the excel sheets, first click on the document to preview, then click on the cloud to download.

Arkansas APCD Data Element Frequency Counts





Data Element Frequency Counts by Submitting Entity (separate tabs per file type)


Data Element Frequency Counts All Submitting Entities combined (separate tabs per file type)


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