Issue: Versioning for MedImpact Entities
Number | 0137 |
Submitting Entity (SE) | 99MDI1, 99MDI2, 99MDI3, 99MDI4, 99MDI5 |
Add Date | Oct 4, 2023 |
Update Date |
Update | Included in the November 2024 Data tips email |
Description | MedImpact was a new pharmacy submitter in the 23B build. No versioning rules were provided. The MedImpact system creates a new claim number for every transaction, whether it is a duplicate, reversal, or back-out. This methodology will help manage MedImpact versioning until it is incorporated into a future database build. Manual Versioning (updated 11/12/2024): Manual versioning rules have been updated by the submitter. Group on the following fields: Member ID (PC107), Pharmacy number (PC018), Drug Name (PC026), script number (PC058). The final record is the record in the group with the latest Claims Processing date (PC966). Possible code to find the versioned records: SELECT PC001, PC107, PC018, PC026, PC058, COUNT(PC966) AS CntOf,
SUM(COUNT(PC966)) OVER () AS CntOfTotalAffectedRecords
FROM [database].[dbo].[stagePharmacy]
GROUP BY PC001, PC107, PC018, PC026, PC058
ORDER BY PC001, PC107, PC018, PC026, PC058 Flagging Reversals: Where PC001 in (‘99MDI1’,’99MDI2’,’99MDI3’,’99MDI4’,’99MDI5’) group claims records by the fields in the table below but do not include PC017 - PAID Date (sometimes reversals come after initial payment so that value is different) When the sum of the dollar fields (PC036, PC037, PC039, PC040, PC041, PC042, PC069) across all claim lines in the group = 0, don’t use any of the claim lines for that grouping. In other words, if a group has 2 claim lines, the sum of PC036 between the claim lines must = 0, the sum of PC037 between the claim lines must = 0, etc. In the 23B build, 2622 claims were found to have duplicates. Possible code: SELECT PC107, PC018, PC026, PC028, PC033, PC034, PC032, PC058,
count(distinct concat(PC036, PC037, PC039, PC040, PC041, PC042, PC069)) as CntOfDistPdAmt,
SUM(COUNT (distinct concat(PC036, PC037, PC039, PC040, PC041, PC042, PC069))) OVER () as CntOfTotalDistPaidDate
FROM [database].[dbo].[Pharmacy]
GROUP BY PC107, PC018, PC026, PC028, PC033, PC034, PC032, PC058
HAVING count(distinct PC036) > 1
ORDER BY PC107, PC018, PC026, PC028, PC033, PC034, PC032, PC058
--2622 groups, 5346 affected records. |
Active/Resolved | Active |
Action / Resolution |
Category 1 | Versioning |
Category 2 | EBD |
Tip / Issue | Issue |
Grouping Fields
PC018 | Pharmacy Number |
PC017 | Paid Date |
PC026 | Drug Code |
PC058 | Script Number |
PC032 | Date Prescription Filled |
PC033 | Quantity Dispensed |
PC034 | Days Supply |
PC035 | Charge Amount |
PC036 | Paid Amount |
PC037 | Ingredient Cost/List Price |
PC039 | Dispensing Fee |
PC040 | Copay Amount |
PC041 | Coinsurance Amount |
PC042 | Deductible Amount |
PC069 | Member Total Out of Pocket Amount |
PC107 | Member ID |