Codes indicating the relationship, such as patient, spouse, child, etc., of the patient to the identified insured person listed in the first of three Insured’s Name fields.
43 = Natural Child/insured does not have financial responsibility
17 = Step Child
10 = Foster Child
15 = Ward of the Court — Patient is ward of the insured as a result of a court order
20 = Employee — The patient is employed by the named insured
21 = Unknown — The patient’s relationship to the named insured is unknown
22 = Handicapped Dependent — Dependent child whose coverage extends beyond normal termination age limits as a result of laws or agreements extending coverage
39 = Organ Donor — Code is used in cases where bill is submitted for care given to organ donor where such care is paid by the receiving patient’s insurance coverage
40 = Cadaver Donor — Code is used where bill is submitted for procedures performed on cadaver donor where such procedures are paid by the receiving patient’s insurance coverage
5 = Grandchild
7 = Niece or Nephew
41 = Injured Plaintiff — Patient is claiming insurance as a result of injury covered by insured
23 = Sponsored Dependent — Individual not normally covered by insurance coverage but coverage has been specially arranged to include relationships such as grandparent or former spouse that would require further investigation by the payer
24 = Minor Dependent of a Minor Dependent — Code is used where patient is a minor and a dependent of another minor who in turn is a dependent, although not a child of the insured
32 = Mother
33 = Father
4 = Grandparent
29 = Significant Other
36 = Emancipated Minor
53 = Life Partner
G8 = Other Relationship
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