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Inconsistencies and truncation exist in this SE’s ICD Diagnosis Code and Procedure Code fields resulting from the third party administrator (TPA) transition from ICD9 to ICD10. Two issues occurred:1) the ICD10 codes were truncated to six characters, and 2) they were inconsistently populated between Diagnosis Code and Procedure Code fields.

Note: While complete ICD codes are more granular, the first 1 to 6 characters can still be used to identify diagnoses.

NEW: These issues exist in the oldest data. only where MC001 = ‘99EBD1’ and MC059 <= ‘2014-12-31’

Action / Resolution

Please enter a complete description of how the field should be used given the known issue, or describe any workaround that has been identified to nullify the issue.

Category 1

ICD Codes

Category 2

Data quality

Tip / Issue
