Use the HIOS ID (ME992). A valid HIOS ID is 16 characters (some submitting entities place values in this field that are not 16 characters wide). The presence of a 16 character wide HIOS ID indicates that the member is enrolled in a QHP plan. NOTE: The HIOS ID is not included in a standard data pull. It is available for an additional fee. To understand the components of a HIOS ID, see below. HOIS IDs ending in 32 or 36 represent Arkansas Private Option or Arkansas Works populations. HIOS ID value component definitions:
To find claims for members enrolled in Arkansas Medicaid expansion: Select all members with a HIOS ID (ME992) ending in 32 or 36. Segment using enrollment dates (ME162A and ME163A) to get the correct enrollment period. Then, join the subset of member data to the pharmacy data using entity ID and member ID: ME001 (member/enrollment record entity ID) = MC001 (medical claim entity ID) + ME107 (member/enrollment data Member ID) = MC137 (medical claim member ID) ME001 (member/enrollment record entity ID) = PC001 (pharmacy claim entity ID) + ME107 (member/enrollment data Member ID) = PC107 (pharmacy claim member ID) ME001 (member/enrollment record entity ID) = DC001 (dental claim entity ID) + ME107 (member/enrollment data Member ID) = DC056 (dental claim member ID)
Members who fall into this group are the Arkansas Medicaid Expansion members. Any other member where ME001 = ‘99MCD1’ is covered with traditional Medicaid.