SE_ID | Submitting Entity | Release Notes | Release Status | ||||||||||||||||||
| MedImpact | MedImpact is a new pharmacy submitter. Member IDs and subscriber IDs are problematic on much of the member data and pharmacy claims causing orphaned claims. Use with caution. The Arkansas APCD team is working with the submitter to resolve the issue.
Update: Issues with 99MDI1 and 99MDI3 have been resolved. | Partially resolved. 99MDI1, 99MDI3, 99MDI4 and 99MDI5 are now correct. | ||||||||||||||||||
99MDI1, 99MDI2, 99MDI3, 99MDI4, 99MDI5 | MedImpact | MedImpact submitting data without versioning requirements, stating that their data could not be versioned. Investigation revealed that there was a versioning method. All MedImpact data in this release has been versioned. Counts for the 24C build will be lower as only the most current, versioned claims will be selected.
| Informational | ||||||||||||||||||
10155 | WellCare | ME001_CAT has been updated to differentiate between Medicare Advantage plans (MCR_ADV) and Medicare Advantage Pharmacy plans (MCRAdvPhrm). | Informational | ||||||||||||||||||
70998A, 95448A | QualChoice | Pharmacy NPIs (PC021) on the pharmacy claims records for these QualChoice entities were populated using the APCD provider data (PV023) when missing on the pharmacy claim records. Not all pharmacy NPIs were populated because of data quality issues between the claims records and the provider data. | Resolved in 24C | ||||||||||||||||||
99MCD1 | Medicaid | Duplicate enrollment records were identified in Arkansas Medicaid enrollment records because of conflicting data points used to set versionrank. These have been resolved so no duplicate enrollment records exist with versionrank = 1. | Resolved in 24C | ||||||||||||||||||
17096 99NAV1 99ESA1 | Caresource Navitus Express Scripts | ME001_CAT has been changed from COM to PASSE for all 17096 records. ME001_CAT has been changed from COM to EBD_PBM for all 99NAV1 records. ME001_CAT has been changed from COM to QHP for all 99ESA1 records when HIOS ID (ME992) ends in the following values: 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06. ME001_CAT has been changed from COM to MCD_QHP for all 99ESA1 records when HIOS ID (ME992) ends in the following values: 32, 36, 21, 41, 61,81, 11. | Informational | ||||||||||||||||||
83470 95442 16751 | USAble HMO Partners ( | Both All are Arkansas BCBS) | Pharmacy NPI (PC021) was corrected using a crosswalk file from Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS). | Resolved in 24C | |||||||||||||||||
60054A | AETNA | There are 26% distinct Pharmacy claims in 60054A data that are orphaned (the pharmacy claim carrier specific unique member ID (PC107) does not exist in eligibility/member data (ME107) for this submitting entity). The orphaned records are from 2019 and earlier. No resolution possible. | Informational |