Entity Type: Report the value that defines the type of entity associated with PV002. The value reported here drives intake edits for quality purposes.
0 = Other; any type of entity not otherwise defined that performs health care services 1 = Person; physician, clinician, orthodontist, and any individual that is licensed/certified to perform health care healthcare services 2 = Facility; hospital, health center, long-term care, rehabilitation, and any building that is licensed to transact health care healthcare services 3 = Professional Group; collection of licensed/certified health care healthcare professionals that are practicing health care healthcare services under the same entity name and Federal Tax Identification Number 4 = Retail Site; brick-and-mortar licensed/certified place of transaction that is not solely a health care healthcare entity, i.e., pharmacies, independent laboratories, vision services, etc. 5 = E-Site; internet-based order/logistic system of health care healthcare services, typically in the form of durable medical equipment, pharmacy, or vision services . Address ; address assigned should be the address of the company delivering services or order fulfillment 6 = Financial parentParent; financial governing body that does not perform health care healthcare services itself but directs and finances health care healthcare service entities, usually through a Board board of Directorsdirectors 7 = Transportation; any form of transport that conveys a patient to/from a health care healthcare provider |